Google Play Store Error 498 – 5 Ways to Fix it


Recently While Downloading Asphalt game on my Smartphone I got an Error 498 in Google Play Store. To be Exact, the Error Reads “Error 498 has occurred while communicating with the server“.

I Tried again but the Same Error Again. After Few Tweaks i was finally able to download and Install  Asphalt on my Phone.

Because i Faced this error in Google Play store, i though there will be many other people facing the same error and so this Guide on how to Fix Error 498 in Google Play store.

Here on this Page i will be sharing few Methods that will help you to get rid of it. Though any one listed Method will not work for Everyone to Get rid of Google Play Error 498 because there are different reasons that are responsible to cause this error.

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Create Windows 8 Bootable USB – How to Guide


There are number of ways for installing an operating system to your computer. Most of the people do it by using bootable CD/DVD of windows. But we really don’t need to install windows very frequently and because of this , it is so difficult to put this bootable disc on safe place and remember where you have kept it when needed. Here are steps to make Windows 8 Bootable USB.

Also , number of times when you are installing window you see some error saying that some of the necessary installation file is missing from the disc and setup can not be continued. All this happens because of scratches present on disc surface since disc is too old to use.

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How To Use Multiple Facebook Accounts On Android


Hi Friends

How To Use Multiple Facebook Accounts On Android

The process to access multiple Facebook accounts is straight and simple as here we will be using a cool app that will let you to use multiple accounts in your android,
just you need to select the account you want to set and you are done.
Now follow up the below steps to proceed.

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Make Your Android Mobile Auto – Wipe Your Data When Stolen


Make Your Android Mobile Auto – Wipe Your Data When Stolen

Hi Friends

Losing your phone is a much bigger ordeal today than it was just 10 years ago. Our smartphones carry with them lots of sensitive data that, in the wrong hands, is capable of being used for identity theft and fraud.

One of the smartest things you can do to help avoid such a disastrous scenario is to set up lock screen security . With this feature enabled on an Android device, a password or PIN must be entered before the phone can be fully accessed.

But this security method is not without its flaws—a would-be thief gets 5 attempts to crack your passcode before being locked out. Sounds great on the surface, sure, but the lockout only last 30 seconds before 5 more attempts are given, then 5 more after that, and so on.

Developer Zygote Labs created an app to help shore up this particular security risk. Locker, as it’s called, will automatically wipe all of the sensitive data from your device after a preset number of failed unlock attempts. While you should have no problem typing in your password or PIN within the allotted attempts, a potential identity thief no longer gets unlimited shots at cracking your security code

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Download Paid Playstore Apps for free


First of all You need GETAPK app download from



and install it.. after install go to play store and select your paid app and click on share and share it with GETapk app


then open it in getapk app… and now you can download it for free……… if anyone is facing problem then comment below..


Make Your Android Mobile Notify You at Any Battery Level


Hi Friends
By now, everybody knows that overcharging a battery will reduce its overall life span. This is why many smartphone manufacturers recommend that you charge your device to 100%, then unplug it immediately. Some even go so far as to automatically stop charging when the device is fully juiced, although not all devices have this functionality.

Add the fact that we generally don’t know the exact moment that our phones reach a full charge. Are we supposed to constantly check on it throughout the charging process so we can unplug it in time? That’s certainly a less-than-ideal solution.

So the development team at TMK Apps created a simple tool that will notify you when your battery reaches a certain level. You can set this threshold at 100% to prevent overcharging, or you can even go with a lower number for those days when you know you’re not going to be around a charger later and you want to make sure you can fully top up in time.

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How To Install Kali Linux On Android?


Kali Linux on any Android Phone or Tablet

2016-01-08_090457Getting Kali Linux to run on ARM hardware has been a major goal for us since day one. So far, we’ve built native images for the Samsung Chromebook, Odroid U2, Raspberry Pi, RK3306, Galaxy Note 10.1, CuBox, Efika MX, and BeagleBone Black to name a few. This however does not mean you cannot install Kali Linux in a chroot on almost any modern device that runs Android. In fact, the developers of Linux Deploy have made it extremely easy to get any number of Linux distributions installed in a chroot environment using a simple GUI builder.

  • A device running Android 2.1 and above, rooted.
  • At least 5 GB free space on internal or external storage.
  • A fast, wireless internet connection.
  • Patience to wait for a distribution to bootstrap from the network.
Configuring Linux Deploy for Kali

There’s actually very little to be done to get Kali installed. By choosing Kali Linux in the “Distribution” tab, you’ve pretty much covered the important stuff. Optionally, you can choose your architecture, verify that the Kali mirror is correct, set your installation type and location on your Android device, etc. Generally speaking, the defaults provided by Linux Deploy are good to begin with.

Building the Kali Image


Once you are happy with all the settings, hitting the “install” button will start a Kali Linux bootstrap directly from our repositories. Depending on your Internet connection speed, this process could take a while. You’ll be downloading a base install of Kali Linux (with no tools) at minimum.

Starting up your chrooted Kali

Once the installation is complete, you can have Linux Deploy automatically mount and load up your Kali Linux chroot image. This also includes the starting of services such as SSH and VNC for easier remote access. All of this is automagically done by hitting the “start” button. You should see Linux Deploy setting up your image with output similar to the following:

At this stage, Linux Deploy has started a VNC and SSH server inside y


our chrooted Kali image. You can connect to the Kali session remotely using the IP address assigned to your Android device (in my case,

Logging in to your chrooted Kali

Now you can use either a SSH or VNC client to access your Kali instance. The VNC password is “changeme” and the SSH credentials are “android” for the username (configured via Linux Deploy) and “changeme” as the password.

How to increase the RAM of your Android smartphone?


When you’ve had a smartphone for a while it can start to feel slow, and RAM — random access memory, which is where your phone stores its stuff as it’s using it — can be part of the problem. If your phone doesn’t have enough RAM it can struggle, but there are ways to address that. You can even create extra RAM without cracking the case or reaching for a soldering iron.

How to increase your RAM with root access?


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How To Factory Reset Your Android Phone?


Your Phone Is Hanging a Lot? You can’t run or install any applications or you can’t even use your phone normally? Your phone might require Factory Data Reset.

You can remove all data from your Android One device by resetting it to factory settings, or doing a “force reset.” You can do so by either using the Settings menu to erase all your data or by using the Recovery menu.

Untitled-1Important: By performing a factory data reset, all data — like your apps, photos, and music — will be wiped from the device. Any data stored in your Google Account will be restored when you sign in, but all apps and their data will be deleted and cannot be restored. Learn how to back up your data before performing a factory data reset.♥ Continue reading